
Web Fraud Prevention and Online Authentication Market Guide 2016/2017

Report, published: December 2016

The fraud prevention and online authentication space is a highly evolving and dynamic one, with constant new players on the market competing for the upper hand in this dynamic ecosystem. This is why a resource of up-to-date information on the latest developments is vital.

The mandate of this Guide is to provide a comprehensive overview of the main industry topics, like machine-learning, PSD2 – Strong Customer Authentication, open banking, digital identity and API security.

The guide gives experts, industry associations, top players and consultants the right platform to share valuable insights and case studies that reflect key industry developments. Some of the major industry associations which have provided their valuable input include the MRC, Edgar Dunn, Innovate Identity, Payment Counsel, Consult Hyperion, First Annapolis and Gartner.

Furthermore, upon our readers’ request, we have taken the initiative to create an explanatory infographic including different solution providers in the ecosystem of Fraud Management, Online Authentication, End-Point protection 

The Guide is endorsed by the MRC, a merchant-led trade association focused on electronic commerce risk and payment strategies and Ecommerce Europe, an association representing companies selling products and/or services online to consumers in Europe.

Download a free copy of the Web Fraud Prevention and Online Authentication Market Guide 2016/2017 to get access to an insightful outline of the global digital identity and web fraud ecosystem.

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Research Type Overview
Published 09 Dec 2016
Pages 1
File Type PDF
Size 29248kb
Geographic Scope    World
Editions Digital Identity, Security & Online Fraud